As a patient in a Victorian public hospital, you can expect to receive high quality services. The Australian Health Care Charter of Rights describes what consumers, or someone they care for, can expect when receiving health care.

These rights apply to all people in all places where health care is provided in Australia. This includes public and private hospitals, day procedure services, general practice and other community health services.

The Charter of Rights reflects an increased focus on person-centred care and empowers consumers to take an active role in their healthcare.

Northern Health endorses and supports these Health Care rights.

Click on the poster below for your Health Care Rights:

The Healthcare Rights are available in 19 different languages here.

There is a range of supportive resources, including Easy English, and Auslan videos and large print. These can be found here.

Click on the poster below for your Health Care Responsibilities:

Click on the poster below for The rights of every child in health care: