What is the Service?
Northern Health provides dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech pathology outpatient appointments for children.
We see children living within the Local Government Areas of Hume City, Whittlesea City, Mitchell Shire Councils and some suburbs of Moreland. These services are provided at Northern Hospital Epping or Craigieburn Centre.
We provide assessment and therapy for a small number of sessions only. We encourage children be referred to Community Health or Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI)/ National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) if they need support for a longer time.
The following paediatric allied health outpatient clinics are provided at Northern Health:
Speech Pathology Communication Outpatient Clinic
Age: Up to school entry
Site: Craigieburn Centre
This service is for children with difficulties with their communication skills. For example, children who are slow to start talking (expressive language), have difficulty understanding what you say to them (receptive language) or having difficulty saying the sounds in words clearly (articulation). We do not accept referrals for stuttering or voice concerns because these children will need a longer-term service.
The referrer needs to complete the Speech Pathology referral form found here.
Speech Pathology & Dietetics Feeding Outpatient Clinic
Age: Up to school entry
Site: Northern Hospital Epping or Craigieburn Centre
This service is for children with a range of feeding and swallowing problems including: oral pharyngeal dysphagia (e.g. structural or neurological) and delayed texture progression (secondary to oral sensory motor issues e.g. extreme prematurity, oral aversion). It includes children who receive nutrition via a feeding tube (Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) program) who need to be seen by both a Speech Pathologist and a Dietitian.
Dietetics Outpatient Clinic
Age: This service is for infants under one year of age in the Northern catchment area and children aged 1 to 18 years who are seeing a Paediatrician regularly at the Northern Hospital.
Site: Northern Hospital Epping or Craigieburn Centre
This service is for children with weight loss and/or poor growth, multiple allergies or food intolerances requiring specialised diets. We do not see children for fussy eating without any of the above, or weight management. We also do not see children who have been diagnosed eating disorders.
Physiotherapy Outpatient Clinic
Age: 0-18 years
Site: Northern Hospital Epping or Craigieburn Centre
This service is for children requiring physiotherapy to improve their ability to move after an injury, bone fracture, after surgery, plagiocephaly/torticollis, positional talipes, low muscle tone or who are slow to meet their gross motor milestones (e.g. rolling, crawling, walking etc.). Children may attend for sessions with the therapist, or with a group of children or for therapy in a pool (hydrotherapy).
Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Service
Age: 0-18 years
Site: Craigieburn Centre
This service is for children requiring physiotherapy after time in hospital (e.g. brain injury, stroke, oncology, post botox therapy etc.). All children must have an active rehabilitation goal. This service is mainly located at Northern Health Craigieburn but children may be visited at home or school to support their goals. Children may attend for a session with the therapist, or with a group of children or for therapy in a pool (hydrotherapy).
Occupational Therapy Outpatient Clinic
Age: 0-12 months (if children are referred by a health professional who does not work at Northern Health) and 0-18 years (if children are referred by a health professional at Northern Health)
Site: Northern Hospital Epping or Craigieburn Centre
For children requiring support in the areas of daily activities: (self-feeding, waking, sleeping and settling, daily routine, dressing, organisation), motor skills and coordination, hand function, visual perceptual and prewriting skills, sensory processing, attention and concentration, play and cognitive skills.
Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation Service
Age: 0-18 years
Site: Craigieburn Centre
This service is for children requiring occupational therapy after time in hospital (e.g. brain injury, stroke, oncology, post botox therapy etc.). All children must have an active rehabilitation goal. This service is mainly located at Craigieburn Centre but children may be visited at home or school to support their goals. Children may attend for sessions with the therapist.
What can I expect from the service?
You will come for an appointment and the therapist will speak to you about your child’s difficulties and may conduct some activities (assessment) with your child. The therapist will then give you information about their assessment and give you some ideas to help your child. You may be offered a limited number of sessions to work on the areas of concerns. Families are encouraged follow the therapist’s recommendations at home for best results.
What do I bring/need for my appointment?
- Medicare card
- Appointment letter
- The child’s green Maternal & Child Health Book (for preschool children)
- Any reports from doctors or other therapists
- You may be asked to bring a snack or drink for your child if you have an appointment in feeding clinic
Contact us
To enquire about your referral:
Contact Community Access Services (CAS)
Phone: 9495 3443
Fax: 8405 8616
For other enquiries:
Craigieburn Centre
274-304 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn
Phone: 8338 3000
Northern Hospital Epping
185 Copper Street, Epping
Phone: 8405 8580
For Health Professionals
Service Overview
We provide short-term services only. Children are encouraged to be referred to Community Health or Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI)/ National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for longer-term services.
Paediatric allied health clinicians at Northern Health work alongside medical and nursing staff with inpatients and outpatients.
Outpatient paediatric allied health services include: dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech pathology.
These services predominantly provide assessment and short-term centre-based intervention for children at either the Northern Hospital Epping or Craigieburn Centre.
Inclusion criteria:
We provide a service for children living in the Local Government Areas of Hume City, Whittlesea City, Mitchell Shire Councils and some suburbs of Moreland.
We provide short-term services only. Children are encouraged to be referred to Community Health or Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI)/ National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for longer-term services.
Exclusion criteria:
Children already accessing other services or funding (i.e. ECEI/NDIS, School Program for Children with a disability, a special development school, another health service or private services etc.) are not accepted (except for Dietetics if not available through the child’s longer term service).
How to Refer:
External referrals are made via Community Access Services (CAS):
Phone: 9495 3443
Fax: 8405 8616
Alternative service options:
Due to services’ waiting lists and the short term nature of our service, we recommend children be referred to longer-term services as soon as possible. Community Health or Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI)/ National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provide longer term services for children. Children are eligible for Community Health services if they have a difficulty in one area of their development (i.e. language only, motor skills only etc.). If the child is presenting with difficulties in more than one area (i.e. behaviour, speech/language, motor skills, play skills etc.) they should be referred for ECEI/ NDIS.
National Disability Insurance Scheme/Early Childhood Early Intervention: https://ndis.gov.au/ecei
Community Health:
Dianella Plenty Valley Community Health: https://dpvhealth.org.au/
Merri Health: https://www.merrihealth.org.au/
Nexus Primary Health: http://www.nexusprimaryhealth.org.au/
Banyule Community Health: https://bchs.org.au/
Health Ability (Nillumbik): https://healthability.org.au/community-health/
Craigieburn Centre
274-304 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn
Phone: 8338 3000
Northern Hospital Epping
185 Copper Street, Epping
Phone: 8405 8580