Research that involves multiples sites and/or poses risk greater than low risk will require a full Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) review. Greater than low risk research is where the risk, even if unlikely, is more than discomfort (National Statement, 2023).
All institutions involved in research must meet high ethical standards and must comply with national and international laws and guidelines that are in place to protect research participants, and to ensure good research conduct and appropriate research oversight and governance.
The key document that guides and supports the ethical conduct of research in Australia is the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023.
How to obtain HREC approval
Step 1: Northern Health does not have a HREC but will instead accept the approval provided by an external NHMRC certified HREC.
National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) enables the mutual acceptance of a single scientific and ethical review for multi site human research. Mutual acceptance under the NMA scheme requires the HREC conducting the ethical review to be certified under the NHMRC National Certification Scheme.
For further information on NMA, including a list of certified reviewing HRECs, please visit their website.
We recommend contacting your selected HREC early for advice and assistance.
Step 2: Following HREC Approval, you will then be required to obtain governance authorisation.
For further information- please see Research Governance