The theme this year is ‘United by Unique,’ which emphasises the importance of placing people and their stories at the heart of care. As stated on the World Cancer Day website, “Behind every diagnosis lies a unique human story.”
Today, we would like to share the story of Montse (short for Montserrat), a 78-year-old proud Catalan originally from Barcelona, who arrived in Australia 52 years ago.
As Montse explains, “I moved to Melbourne after marrying an Australian whom I met while on holiday in Italy. We had a daughter together and settled in the suburb of Sandringham. I am currently married to a German, and for the past 30 years, we have been living in Mill Park.”
Her story is colourful – in more sense than one. Speaking of her first husband, she says, “…after writing to each other for a few months, we met in London the following year and decided that we would get married within a month and so we did. We drove to Barcelona for our honeymoon, in the purple Volkswagen that I later painted navy blue.”
Here in Melbourne, Montse lived a full and vibrant life.
“Back in my younger days I enjoyed playing basketball and when I arrived in Melbourne, I continued to play first division basketball. I then founded the Melbourne Catalonian Club in 1986 in order to practice my mother tongue Catalonian. I held the positions of Secretary, President and Treasurer for many years.”
Until five years ago. “After having been misdiagnosed with asthma for many years, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer. I am now on a treatment which, although it keeps the cancer stable, has the side effects of fatigue and swollen legs, hence my need for exercise.”
Although Montse lives locally at Mill Park, she was not treated at Northern Health and is not a patient of Northern Health.
“I heard of the WellAhead program at the Northern Hospital from the U3A Newsletter where I have been a member for many years. I have been attending the yoga and qigong classes for some time now,” she says.
“The program has helped me with my breathing and allowed me to exercise with a group because I am not disciplined enough to exercise on my own. I have recommended the program to a 90-year-old friend who also has cancer.”
Says Montse, “I believe it is not only my medical treatment that is keeping my cancer stable but also my diet and exercise.”
WellAhead is a holistic wellness program, co–designed with consumers, to support and empower those living with and beyond cancer. Activities include yoga, qigong, volunteer programs, Northern Health Community Choir and classes for seniors from Whittlesea U3A.
Wellness holds particular significance for individuals diagnosed and treated for cancer. Activities like yoga and qigong promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve flexibility and strength. Card making and other creative pursuits offer emotional expression and a sense of accomplishment.
They foster a supportive community, boost mood, and help in coping with treatment-related stress. Overall, they contribute to a holistic approach to healing, improving quality of life and aiding in recovery.
WellAhead aligns with Northern Health’s Trusted Care Commitment of ‘Staying Well’ with a focus on health and wellbeing in the community.
Professor Wanda Stelmach, Divisional Director, Medicine and Cancer says she would like to see wellness, holistically supporting our consumers, “from the start of their diagnostic journey through to treatment, remission, recurrence and end of life care and enable them to live as full a life as they desire. “
From today, the weekly classes of yoga and qigong will move across the road from Northern Hospital Epping to Whittlesea Community Connections, Pacific Epping.
Alex Haynes, CEO of Whittlesea Community Connections (WCC) says, “Partnering with Northern Health and supporting their WellAhead program means those in our community with cancer, and those caring for them, have opportunities to engage in free wellbeing activities, information and support.”
Montse says, “I am looking forward to our classes. I would recommend the WellAhead program to anyone who is going through their cancer journey like me.”
To learn more and enrol, visit: nh.org.au/wellahead