Get to know: Steve Carnell

December 13, 2024


Meet Steve Carnell, Content Producer, Public Affairs, Northern Health.

Q. Firstly, what’s your coffee order?
A. I much prefer hot chocolate to coffee. I get my caffeine fix from cola, but I can quit any time I like. 😊

Q. You’ve been at Northern Health for many years, starting as a PSA and now working in Public Affairs. What has this journey meant to you?
A. Yes, I started as a Patient Services Assistant while I was completing a bachelor of audio engineering. I really enjoyed the work and the people. I had the good fortune to become a Support Services supervisor, which taught me a lot about myself. One day I responded to an expression of interest for the Explorers program to check out Public Affairs, as I was interested to see that side of the organisation.  I had no idea it would lead to an opportunity to be able to work with the wonderful PA team on a permanent basis, doing the things I love in an organisation I care about. Quite honestly, I am living my dream. I like to think I haven’t changed in my interactions with people. Always leading with love whether it’s cleaning toilets or shaking hands with dignitaries (ensuring good hand hygiene practices are adhered to of course).

Q. You’re the voice behind Visiting Hours, our very own Northern Health podcast. Do you have a favourite moment so far?
A. I think the voice of Visiting Hours actually belongs to the guests. It’s always an eye opener to hear people’s stories, and how they fit into the Northern Health family. When the idea of a podcast was first pitched to me, I was under the impression I’d be in more of a producing role rather than in front of the mic. But here we are two seasons in with a listenership that extends to over 60 countries.  You should really give it a listen.

It’s hard to pick a favourite moment. I do love those moments when the guests and I just click and share a laugh. In terms of impact, Leanne Murphy’s episode where she shares her birthing trauma story, is high on my list. Her strength of character is insurmountable.

Click here to listen to Visiting Hours and explore the incredible stories of our Northern Health family.

Q. I believe music plays such a big role in your life. How does it inspire and shape the work you do at Northern Health?
A. I feel blessed to be able to write little pieces of music that sit under some of the videos that go out. I recall one in particular for a series of vignettes for RU Ok day. Having those conversations with colleagues and friends is often like a dance; a waltz; a gentle to and fro of listening, offering support and being bold enough to share. So, I wrote a little waltz that flows and floats when the elements are played together. However, when some of the elements are played in isolation, they seem disjointed and a little out of kilter. This was an intentional reflection of the importance of sharing our needs and problems with others, combining our incompleteness into something with the potential for beauty.

Q. Outside of work, how do you relax or recharge?
A. My mind is always running, but I love spending time with my family, just in the ordinary everyday simple pleasures.

Q. Is there any place you would love to travel and why?
A. Iceland and the Faroe Islands. I’ve always wanted to travel there. Remote and untamed.

Q. If you could create your dream project for Northern Health—no budget limits—what would it be?
A. We are Northern: The Musical. A story about a nurse from a rural and remote setting as she embarks on a new journey at a bustling health service. Along the way, she navigates fresh challenges, discovers a vibrant community, and perhaps even finds love.

If you have an inspiring story or work you’re proud of and would love to share it with the world on our podcast, we’d love to hear from you! Reach out to Steve at