Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC)

For Patients and Visitors

What is the Service?

Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC) provide short-term, residential treatment services with a recovery focus. The PARC services are a joint partnership between Northern Health and Wellways.

Who are Wellways?

Wellways supports people’s social, emotional, and physical wellbeing through community-based services. With over 45 years’ working with people, their family, friends, and carers, Wellways is a not-for-profit provider that delivers services through partnership across five Australian states and territories. Founded by a community of family carers as an advocacy group, Wellways puts lived experience at the centre to provide free, safe, and inclusive mental health and disability services to people in their chosen communities.

What can I expect from the service?

Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC) provide early intervention for people who are becoming unwell or in the early stages of recovery from an acute psychiatric episode, to strengthen and consolidate gains from the inpatient setting.

We offer a unique setting for people to start their recovery journey and resume their role in the community by providing coordinated, recovery-oriented treatment and support.

Watch videos from the PARC locations below.

Wellways PARC Broadmeadows:

Wellways Preston PARC:

Our service encourages links to people’s natural supports and their participation in community life.

PARC services provide:

  • active specialist mental health assessment and treatment
  • safe, time-limited accommodation
  • relapse prevention and management
  • recovery-oriented services including psychosocial rehabilitation, problem solving and intensive support
  • opportunity for consumers to participate in structured programs that aid recovery

Contact us

Consumers can be referred to PARC via the Northern Health Mental Health Services with which they are registered. PARC reviews the referral and offers a face to face assessment to discuss needs and suitability for the program. Consumers are welcome to invite relevant support people such as a carer, support worker, key clinician to this assessment appointment.

For Health Professionals

Our Adult Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC) services are short-term, residential treatment services with a recovery focus, located in our local communities of Broadmeadows and Preston.

Watch videos from the PARC locations below.

Wellways PARC Broadmeadows:

Wellways Preston PARC:

We provide early intervention for people who are becoming unwell or in the early stages of recovery from an acute psychiatric episode, to strengthen and consolidate gains from the inpatient setting.

We offer a unique setting for people to start their recovery journey and resume their role in the community by providing coordinated, recovery-oriented treatment and support.

Our service encourages links to people’s natural supports and their participation in community life.

We provide:

  • active specialist mental health assessment and treatment
  • safe, time-limited accommodation
  • relapse prevention and management
  • recovery-oriented services including psychosocial rehabilitation, problem solving and intensive support
  • opportunity for consumers to participate in structured programs that aid recovery

Our PARC services aim to lessen the possible difficulties and stresses experienced by family/carers in supporting people who are acutely unwell and are receiving community treatment.

At the same time, it offers an important alternative for early intervention for those people in the early phase of relapse, and for those in need of further stabilisation and recovery before to returning to their normal place of living following an acute inpatient admission.

Our PARC services are suitable for people who need the level of monitoring and clinical care that does not require admission to an inpatient unit, but would benefit from more intensive clinical treatment and psychosocial support than can be provided by our Community Teams alone.

Inclusion criteria:

Our PARC services are aimed at people who:

  • are 16 to 64 years of age and are eligible for adult area mental health services
  • no longer require acute inpatient clinical intervention and treatment but would benefit from short-term, intensive treatment and support in a residential setting post-discharge from an acute inpatient admission
  • are living in the community and require short-term residential support with intensive clinical treatment and intervention to prevent the risk of further deterioration or relapse

How to Refer:

Consumers can be referred to PARC via the Northern Health Mental Health Services with which they are registered.

PARC reviews the referral and offers a face to face assessment to discuss needs and suitability for the program.

Consumers are welcome to invite relevant support people such as a carer, support worker, key clinician to this assessment appointment.

Jewell House – NorthWest Prevention & Recovery Care (PARC) Service
6-10 Talgarno Street
Broadmeadows VIC 3047
(03) 9309 0200
(03) 9309 0222

Northern Prevention & Recovery Care (PARC) Service
123 Wood Street
Preston VIC 3072
(03) 9470 3100
(03) 9470 3122

Additional Information